Building Young Writers

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Thank you for purchasing Building Young Writers: Engaging & Motivating Year 4-8 Student Writers. I hope you're finding it useful.

To illustrate the main points I make about launching writing topics and tasks, running shared writing lessons, running writing workshops and running sharing sessions, I've made six videos with different groups of Year 5-6 students for you to
watch and reflect on. All sessions have been filmed in authentic classroom contexts. If you subscribe to my online resource, you'll also be able to locate the Teachers' Notes made for each video. Keep an eye out because I want to add new videos to this page as time goes on.


Keys – Writing Launch Year 5-6: (Descriptive Writing)


This is a launch that I undertook with a class of Year 5-6 students.  It has been filmed to illustrate the main steps of a writing launch that I deem to be important in getting students engaged and motivated in a writing topic and task and moving them clearly into the task.  The class I am working with is made … Read More

Keys – Shared Writing Year 5-6: (Descriptive Writing)


This is a shared writing lesson that I undertake with a group of six Year 5-6 students while other students are writing independently around the classroom.  Note that two of the six students are English language learners.  All students had been given permission by their parents/caregivers to participate in the filming. The lesson has been filmed to illustrate the explicit … Read More

The Rain Cycle – Writing Launch Year 5-6: (explanation writing)


This is a launch that I undertook with a class of Year 5-6 students.  It has been filmed to illustrate the main steps of a writing launch that I deem to be important in getting students engaged and motivated in a writing topic and task and moving them clearly into the task.  The class I am working with is made … Read More

The Rain Cycle – Shared Writing Year 5-6: (explanation writing)


This is a launch that I undertook with a class of Year 5-6 students.  It has been filmed to illustrate the main steps of a writing launch that I deem to be important in getting students engaged and motivated in a writing topic and task and moving them clearly into the task.  The class I am working with is made … Read More

A Sharing Session with Year 5-6 Students


This is a sharing session based on Our Granny by Margaret Wild. I undertook this workshop with a group of Year 5-6 students.  The aim of the session was for each student to:  You will note that the responses mainly focus on the content of the texts. Prior to the session, I had introduced and read the book Our Granny by … Read More

A Writing Workshop on ‘Making Changes to Writing’ with Year 5-6 Students


This is a writing workshop based on Our Granny by Margaret Wild. I undertook this workshop with a group of Year 5-6 students.  I had previously led a sharing session with these same students on their Our Granny writing.  The aim of the workshop was for the teacher to provide instruction to the group around a nominated writing skill (in this … Read More


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